Monday, September 23, 2013

It is raining.....again! I left the town of Sterling, CO this morning and it was pouring rain. I-76 had some flooding before I reached Brush. It is a mess. The poor citizens of Sterling have been on no flush , with no school and no restaurants or food service for over a week.

I say, "UNCLE! Enough already!" We so need a break from the water and flooding and damage. I believe everyone is fine, people are just tired, and their emotional and physical reserves are dwindling thin. I am personally not affected because I am staying with family that has a private septic system, but I can see the stress on the faces of everyone I greet. The tolerance level,  or lack thereof, is growing more evident with each day.

It is easy for me to say, "Hang in there-this too shall pass!" But, I am not suffering like the majority, so I have no way to totally relate to what they are experiencing.

The most I can offer is compassion, sympathy, and a helping hand with a listening ear. I know the waste water situation is critical and now is not my time to be positive and neutralizing. 

I send everyone a virtual best goes to you all!

Until the next time: Live while you live! 
Call 911, without hesitation, if you are in danger of hurting yourself or someone else.

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